Tuesday 11 October 2016

SQL Server - Like search record any value from column to stored in comma separate value(CSV).

In this blog I am going to explain SQL Server - Like search record any value from column to stored in comma separate value(CSV).
Example:  I have stored data to comma separated value into the column : '1,25,11,21,41,61,91,22'. So I want to search only 1 stored all column not apart from 1 like 11,21 etc.
There is one tricky scenario. If I am looking for '1' in the list '1,25,11,21,41,61,91,22' then it would find ",1" and return that incorrect entry. This takes care of all solutions:
--------Search record to any value in categoryId which is store in CSV-----------
SET @Search = '1'

SELECT [Id] ,[Name] ,[CategoryId] FROM [tblStudents] 
WHERE ','+ [CategoryId] + ',' like '%,' + @Search + ',%'

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