Monday 10 March 2014

Function to convert a string in Camel Case (Proper Case)

Sometime, we need to display string data in proper case, i.e. first character of each word should be in UPPER case. SQL Server doesn't provide any built-in function for this requirement. In this article, I am putting T-SQL code to create this function. This is a generalised Function that will return any input string in Proper Case [Camel Case]. Means Afetr every space, first later will be in UPPER case.

Input String    :  'vbudati sql server'
Output String : 'Vbudati Sql Server'

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[CamelCase]
(@Str varchar(8000))
RETURNS varchar(8000) AS
  DECLARE @Result varchar(2000)
  SET @Str = LOWER(@Str) + ' '
  SET @Result = ''
  WHILE 1=1
    IF PATINDEX('% %',@Str) = 0 BREAK
    SET @Result = @Result + UPPER(Left(@Str,1))+
    SubString  (@Str,2,CharIndex(' ',@Str)-1)
    SET @Str = SubString(@Str,
      CharIndex(' ',@Str)+1,Len(@Str))
  SET @Result = Left(@Result,Len(@Result))
  RETURN @Result

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